About Us

About Us

Our aim is to allow you to concentrate on the growth and enhancement of your business, by letting ATWER deal with the waste water issues that will arise.

The offer is to make sure that you obtain the most appropriate limits for the discharge, at a fair price, whilst ensuring that the pollution threat to the aquatic environment from your site is minimized.

It is important to understand that compliance and governance are key aspects of the Water Legislation and all parties are bound by the inherent procedures laid within.
Which unless you know about them makes the whole process slightly one sided and to the benefit of the Water Industry. This even includes the request for "Capital Contibutions" to supply additional capacity to ensure that your effluent can be treated.

However, if you ever find yourself or your business being threatened with a prosecution from either a Water and Sewerage Company or from the Environment Agency, ATWER may be in a position to offer, without prejudice, recommendations which may mitigate the process or possibly lessen the impact of such action.

The knowledge and experience to deal with these aspects has been gained over 30 years with an International Water and Sewerage Utility.

Ian Wilson

Who am I ?

I have over 30 years of experience with an International Water and Waste Water Utility, highly skilled with a successful track record in Trade Effluent and Wastewater treatment. Held many managerial posts covering both operational and non operational teams and locations.

Water UK - was a representative for this Water and Waste Water Utility on the Trade Effluent Practitioners Network and was an active member on the following working groups: National Healthcare Waste Water Discharge Guidelines 2010 (now published and available through the Water UK website) and Dangerous Substances.

Bristol University - guest lecturer for CIWEM Certificate and Diploma qualifications.

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